Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekly Weight-In #3

For the past week I have just been a zombie, I am not sleeping very well and it just makes everything hard. I would say that this week has been bit of a failure 

The Numbers:
Starting Weight: 78.4 kg (172.8 lbs)
Current Weight: 78.5 kg  (173 lbs) 

Great, so I have gained 300 grams (0.7 lbs) in the last week 

Battle strategies (last week):

Pilates: 10 minutes every day
Walking: I'm going to try to walk 10% more this week, I want to manage average 1540 steps a day.
Water: 1.5 liters a day! Slow and steady wins the race
None of  these things happened this week so I plan on just trying again this week! 

Battle strategies (this week):
Pilates: 10 minutes every day
Walking: I'm going to try to walk 10% more this week, I want to manage average 1540 steps a day.
Water: 1.5 liters a day! Slow and steady wins the race.

My None-Scale-Victory
I just got two new pairs of shoes! Love them to bits!


  1. I hope you aren't discouraged by the 'gain,' as it's probably you gaining muscle - which ways more than fat - and that will burn the fat you do have and reveal a more toned physique. So keep working at it; eat right, look after yourself, and feel how well your clothes feel. The number on the scale isn't the most important thing (I promise!)

    Pilates is AMAZING!
    I'm a huge walker - give me my music and I can go for days!
    You might try Yoga too and spinning (a great cardio alternative to switch things up and confuse the muscles in your body - to keep burning the right way!)

    Good luck to you my dear. :)

    1. Thank you for this amazing comment! I love pilate but I just always forget to do it, but I love walking and I pretty much walk wherever I am going, I love yoga but I hate spinning, I just can't handle those seats!!


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