Friday, November 1, 2013

My Monthly Goals: November 2013

1. Post 2 recipes
2. Organize my yarn
3. Write more
4. Wake up in the morning
5. Drink more tea
6. Make Christmas Cards
7. Have a Giveaway (already planned should go up on Monday)
8. Finish the 200 sit-up challenge
9. Get some lights (for filming and pictures)
10. Post 28 posts!

I am hoping that this month will do better in accomplishing my goals!


Loving in October

October has been such a busy month, I haven't been able to read a lot of blogs or write or pretty much anything except studying. 

I hope that November will be able to be a better blogger and YouTuber! 

My October Goals:

1. Start making Christmas cards
I haven't started making the Christmas cards but I have bought some of the items that I need to make the cards!

2. Order more yarn

I haven't done this but I have been thinking about what to order, 

3. Sell all my read books

This didn't happen since I decided to do something else with these books! Something you'll be able to see on Monday!

4. Do my best on my midterm exams.
I did amazingly and I am so happy with it!

5. Work on my secret project
Yup, and it will be secret for some time now :) 

6. Start taking pictures for my shop
No, sadly I didn't start this! I need to start taking these pictures and make everything ready!

7. Post 2 recipes
I tried twice! But both times I wasn't satisfied with my pictures.

8. Write 2 posts about my 25 things before my 25th birthday
I wrote one post: 25 Things Before My 25th Birthday: 21. Have over 250 published post on my blog

9. Organize my make up table
Sadly this didn't happen, my make up area is still a big mess! 

Top 5 posts in October:


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